Jon Ingold

Disambiguation Control by Jon IngoldVersion 10/170416
"Allows finer control over the disambiguation process used by Inform to decide what the player was referring to. Less guesswork, more questions asking for more input. Also removes the multiple-object-rejection in favour of asking for more information."
Far Away by Jon IngoldVersion 5/160517
"Creates an adjective for far-off items which cannot be touched."
Flexible Windows by Jon IngoldVersion 15/220305(for Glulx only)
"Exposes the Glk windows system so authors can completely control the creation and use of windows"
Title Page by Jon IngoldVersion 4/200510
"Provides an intro panel to the game, offering a menu, a restore and restart prompt, a quotation and (under Glulx) a picture. Updated to version 3 for compatibility with Inform 6L02 and later by Emily Short. Updated to version 4 by Gavin Lambert to fix an error with 'use skip intro'."